A word from EMM
In seeing your reflection in your own mirror, surrounded by your history, the people you love, your happy memories, you find peace.
Every now and again, we all feel the need to rejuvenate ourselves, to regain our strength and to move forward - confident that we are on the right path. We need to be true to ourselves.
There are also no limits to the history, the creativity and the beauty of the mirror we can create together - honouring tradition, a passion, people, yourself or a combination of moments that are important and specific to you. This may become your most faithful or fun Piece of Art
About EMM
Eloïse Marie Margot is the artist name of french born Eloïse Thomas. Now based in Greenwich, Connecticut since 2020, she moved from Singapore, from where she started her career after years of research and traveling between the world's creativity hubs gaining experience from the various artistic fields she has been working in.
Eloïse dedicates much of her time between North America, Europe, and Asia. On each of her travels, she draws inspiration from the decorative riches of Asia, the bohemian refinement of Europe and the colorful heritage of Morocco. Although the artist's ateliers are located in Connecticut and in Singapore, she ships the mirrors in every corners of the globe.
After spending her childhood in Morocco, she studied psychology, before working in the Arts - initially in Paris followed by London, Singapore and now the East Coast of the United States. Please contact her to discuss your projects.
Learn more about how EMM can design and uniquely fulfill your creative aspirations.
Eloïse Marie Margot, portrait.